Owner - Kennel: Half Moon Kennel - Joe Saunders - 8509742259 - halfmoonkennel@aol.com
Pedigree of AKC Chosen Leader -CH Sired/CH Bloodline- RETIRED
1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation

CH Rosbrgh's Sno-Storm

CH Beulahland's Incred'bl Stormi

CH Bullseyes Storm Warning


CH Supple's Grace


Amber's Forever Maggie

Kong's Ricky Ru


Forever Amber II


MACM Santana

MACM Allure

CH Sandstone's Simply Bradley


MACM Isabella



CH Little Ponds Chief


MACM Elora


Pedigree Provided by TopK9s.com, the Breeders Companion.
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